Michael Fitzsimmons CPA

San Diego, CA

(619) 757-1500     info@fitz-cpa.com

Contact / Directions

Phone / E-mail

Phone: 619-757-1500
E-mail: info@fitz-cpa.com

Physical & Mailing Address

928 Hornblend Street, Suite 8
San Diego, CA 92109-4062

Directions to Our Office

As of May 2023, we are in the Pacific Beach neighborhood of San Diego. Hornblend Street runs east-west between Grand Avenue and Garnet Avenue. Our office is 2 1/2 blocks from the beach on the north side of the street.

Google map to our office

We are on the ground floor facing the sidewalk: the second set of double doors to the left of the east gate. The address number 928 is just above our window.


Street parking is free (some are all-day & some have 2-hour limit). For your scheduled appointment, you are welcome to park free of charge in our designated covered parking spot #66 located off the alley behind the building.

Google map to our client parking spot


Like many streets in the neighborhood, Hornblend is named for a semi-precious stone or crystal. More commonly spelled "hornblende", Wikipedia describes it as "a complex inosilicate series of minerals. It is not a recognized mineral in its own right, but the name is used as a general or field term, to refer to a dark amphibole… Hornblende minerals are common in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Hornblende has a hardness of 5–6, a specific gravity of 3.0 to 3.6, and is typically an opaque green, dark green, brown, or black color. It tends to form slender prismatic to bladed crystals, diamond-shaped in cross-section, or is present as irregular grains or fibrous masses… Hornblende is an inosilicate (chain silicate) mineral, built around double chains of silica tetrahedra. These chains extend the length of the crystal and are bonded to their neighbors by additional metal ions to form the complete crystal structure."

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I am a fee-only professional compensated on an hourly or project-fee basis. I maintain my independence and objectivity by refusing to sell insurance, annuities, mutual funds, or software –
I do not earn commissions.